Farming Simulator 25 - A look at the animals on the farm
A successful farm not only needs machinery and crops, but also a selection of animals to live on the farm. So let's take a look at what the FS25 has to offer in this area.
Goats in 25 Seconds | FS25
Farming simulator loves animals
The first animals in the game, cows, have been available since Farming Simulator 2011. Since then, new animal inhabitants have been added, such as sheep, chickens and dogs. And the new part of the series will once again bring more animals to your farm.
This time, water buffaloes and goats are known so far. There are now a total of 10 different animal species that can bring life to your farm.
Are there any animals that you are still missing that you think absolutely have to be on a farm? The chances are perhaps not so bad that we will see more animal species over the years.
Helpful animals
Not only are animals super cute to look at when they live on your farm, but depending on the species, they also have other benefits. For example, the new goats and water buffaloes boost your milk production with new milk varieties, which you can sell to make a profit. Other animals can improve the yield of your crops. If you would like to find out more about the crops in the new installment of the series, take a look at this news article.
You can also ride horses to explore the game world. And as nice as driving around with the big machines may be, discovering the world on horseback is SO MUCH cooler.
At Gamescom 2024 in Cologne, the developers also revealed that your animals can produce offspring that will then roam your farm. That means lots of cute and fluffy baby animals. Hopefully you can still manage the actual farm work with all this admiring.
Grab your GPORTAL server for Farming Simulator 25 (PreOrder)
As an official partner of GIANTS and thanks to our many years of experience with the FS, we provide you with perfectly coordinated hardware for your gaming experience. Whether you're getting behind the wheel of your tractor for the first time or you're already a seasoned pro, Farming Simulator 25 gives you everything you need to get your farm and your fields going. Prepare for your farm adventure today with GPORTAL.
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