Smalland 1.0 and console release Background

Smalland 1.0 and console release

February 16, 2024
3 minutes to read

There are numerous survival games in all kinds of settings. But Smalland is different, because as a tiny figurine you are immersed in an imaginative and cruel world in which you have to prevail and defend yourself against everything and everyone. Smalland is fresh from Early Access and is also available on console.

Out of Early Access and into console

Smalland has been available to play since March 2023, but so far only in Early Access and only on PC. Both of these are now changing, as Smalland is now in its 1.0 version, which offers all kinds of new features that we will also talk about below, and Smalland can now also be played on console. What Smalland is all about and what new features and changes are coming with the full release follows now.

Tiny and yet huge

Of course, we all know every game in the survival genre and know what it's all about: survival, fighting, building and crafting. Smalland is not much different, of course, but the setting alone is completely different and even if the world in Smalland seems quite cute and magical at first, the reality is quite another. As a player, you are spawned as an elf in miniature format and what sounds quite funny quickly turns into a gloomy direction in which it is all about sheer survival, especially at the beginning.

As a miniature elf, you are exposed to a number of dangers in Smalland, including the simplest things such as ants, spiders, beetles and other insects. Due to your size, you are of course fresh meat to your entire outside world, because if small insects are otherwise rather unimportant, they become a serious risk for you in Smalland. It is therefore important that you keep an eye out for resources right from the start, which you can use to build your first weapons, tools and a shelter. Equally important, of course, is armor, which comes with different features. For example, there is armor that turns you into a kind of dragonfly with wings and allows you to glide through the air. Or you can disguise yourself as an insect so that you are not immediately noticed when you sneak into a group of them.

As the game progresses, however, the different insects are not only a danger, some of them can be tamed and then used as mounts to help you move faster, whether in the air or on the ground, and you can even climb trees with the right insect. Furthermore, Smalland offers a lot of variety, because there are not only seasons, but also various biomes and regions that stand out from the others. As you can see, there is so much to discover in Smalland, and we don't just mean the secrets surrounding the world of aggressive insects. Use the numerous NPCs and go their way thanks to many quests and get to know the game and some of its tricks or simply set off alone or with friends and fight everything that gets in your way.


Smalland 1.0 and the console version

Of course, there are some new features to expect in the 1.0 version of Smalland, as new content is also coming with update number #4. Among these, the following points are particularly interesting:

  • New events: This version of the world events should be the cornerstone for subsequent things in Smalland. The events appear on the map of Smalland and pop up every 15-20 minutes - you can trigger them by simply being in the vicinity of them. Once you have successfully completed the event, you will receive points that you can donate to the factions
  • The factions: This brings us to the next point, the factions. There are ants, spiders, bees and beasts. Once you have donated 1000 points to a faction, you receive a unique advantage and can unlock additional items to help you fight, survive, tame or collect resources. The higher the faction affiliation, the better things can be unlocked and trade is also possible with the factions. This allows you to obtain armor sets and cosmetic building parts, for example
  • Revised tutorial: Admittedly, this is more interesting for new players or console players. But even if you want to start again in Smalland, you should take a look at the new tutorial
  • The watchtower: In addition to many other new features, there is now also a new building to discover. The so-called watchtower offers plenty of adventure and variety, as it may be easy for a giant to climb it, but it's great for a small elf. Meet new enemies there, which you can face well equipped and find out what secret lies at the top of the tower…


The good news for all console lovers? The content is said to be exactly the same as the PC version and the new content update number #4 is also the same for all platforms. The only question that remains is of course crossplay and unfortunately we have to put you off for now, but Merge Games definitely has the desire for it on their agenda and they want to work on adding crossplay.

Get your GPORTAL Smalland server now

What are you waiting for? The full release, the content update number #4 and the release for the console should now really make all players' hearts beat faster and you can now easily and flexibly rent your own Smalland server from GPORTAL. Off you go into the big wide world!

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