Genre: Open-World-Survival
Studio: Mojang
Publisher: Mojang
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Genre: Open-World-Survival
Studio: Mojang
Publisher: Mojang
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Minecraft Smoker

Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions, offering players a wide range of tools, blocks, and items to help them survive and thrive in its pixelated world. Among these tools is the smoker, a block that has become integral to high-end gameplay. For those wondering “What is a smoker in Minecraft?”: In Minecraft, smokers are special furnaces designed specifically for cooking food. While this may seem simple at first, there is more to having a smoker than just cooking food. In this article, we will take an extensive look at the smoker, answering frequently asked questions such as ‘How to craft a smoker in Minecraft’ and ‘How to use a smoker in Minecraft.’ Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or a newcomer to the game, understanding how to use the Minecraft smoker can significantly improve your gameplay experience.

Overview Minecraft Smoker:

  • specialized version of the furnace
  • cooks meat and vegetables very fast
  • requires a furnace and wood to craft
  • job site for the butcher

What is a Smoker?

To put it in layman’s terms, the Minecraft smoker is a block dedicated to cooking food. Visually similar to a furnace, the smoker is the counterpart to the blast furnace, each focussing on one of the aspects of the original furnace. While the blast furnace specializes in smelting ores, the Minecraft smoker is dedicated to cooking food at a faster rate – though it cannot be used for anything else.Introduced in the Village & Pillage update (version 1.14), the smoker has quickly become an essential item for players who need to prepare meals efficiently and quickly.

The primary advantage of the smoker is its ability to cook food at twice the speed of a regular furnace. Keep in mind that the Minecraft smoker does not use more or less fuel than the regular furnace, though it cooks items twice as fast as its unspecialized counterpart. This feature makes it a valuable tool for players who rely on a steady supply of food to keep their hunger bar full and ensure they’re ready for any challenges that come their way.

How to Make a Smoker in Minecraft

The easiest way to get a smoker in Minecraft is to simply craft one. To be clear, while there are many possible variations of the smoker recipe, Minecraft only has one recipe for it. If you‘ve ever heard of ‘smoker recipes,’ Minecraft does not have those. When it comes to crafting a smoker in Minecraft, you need these five ingredients:

  • 1 furnace
  • 4 logs or wood (of any type)

The confusion arises from the second ingredient. You can use any type of wood to craft a smoker in Minecraft, including logs, stems, any block of wood or hyphae (hyphae being the counterpart of wood when it comes to the fungi in the Nether) as well as their stripped counterparts. As you can imagine, this leads to an extremely high number of possible combinations, all which result in the crafting of a smoker. Minecraft recipes can be confusing in this way, but your crafting window should look somewhat like this:

1x furnace + 4x blocks of wood/log/stem/hyphae of any kind = 1x smoker

Recipe for Minecraft smoker

While this may seem a bit complicated at first, remember that you only need 8 blocks of stone (most likely cobblestone) to craft a furnace, making the Minecraft smoker readily accessible. 

How to Get a Smoker in Minecraft (in other ways)

Besides crafting a smoker in Minecraft, there are other ways to obtain this block. To be precise, there is currently only one other way: taking it from a village. During world generation, some villages can spawn with job site blocks, which can turn their villagers from nitwits to villagers with jobs. One of these is the butcher, which requires the village to contain a smoker. Minecraft worlds tend to be very big, so it is only a matter of time until you find a village with a pre-installed smoker.

Using the Smoker

Once you have crafted or taken a smoker block, using it is a simple matter. In fact, using a smoker is as simple as using a furnace. Go to the Minecraft smoker, right-click to open its interface, and you’ll see 2 slots: one for fuel and one for the item you want to cook. The smoker accepts the same fuels as the furnace, including coal, charcoal, wood and lavabuckets. As for the food, the smoker accepts the raw versions of beef, chicken, porkchop, rabbit and mutton as well as raw fish and the uncooked versions of kelp and potatoes. Despite its looks, the chorus fruit found in the End dimension cannot be eaten and can only be popped by using a regular furnace.

Once you’ve added your food item and fuel, the smoker will begin cooking at twice the speed of a regular furnace. This speed is particularly useful when you have a large quantity of food to cook, such as after a successful hunting trip or farming session. Whether you’re cooking meat, fish, or other edible items, the smoker ensures you spend less time waiting and more time exploring, mining, or building. However, the smoker consumes fuel at twice the rate of a regular furnace. Therefore, the main benefit lies purely within the speed of a Minecraft smoker to cook food, not in fuel efficiency.

Other Benefits of the Smoker

The primary benefit of the smoker is its efficiency in cooking food. In survival mode, where managing your hunger is crucial, having a smoker allows you to quickly prepare large quantities of food, keeping your hunger bar full and your health bar in check. This can be especially important during long mining expeditions or when preparing for a challenging battle.

As we mentioned earlier, the Minecraft smoker has another benefit, though. By installing a smoker in your village, any villager without a job can become a butcher, similar to how a fletching table turns a villager into a fletcher. Butchers can be a vital piece of your village’s economy, selling cooked meat in exchange for emeralds. Additionally, butchers of the highest level can sell you sweet berries, relieving you from having to travel through a taiga to get your hands on them. 

Smoker vs. Furnace: When to Use Which

While the smoker is excellent for cooking food, it’s important to note that it can’t smelt ores or other non-food items. For these tasks, you’ll still need a traditional furnace or a blast furnace, which is specifically designed for smelting ores at a faster rate.
In a well-organized base, having both a smoker and a furnace (or even multiple of each) ensures that you can cook food and smelt materials simultaneously, optimizing your workflow and saving valuable time.

Besides the necessity of using both a furnace and a smoker, Minecraft offers several redstone constructs that use the smoker to its fullest extent. Redstone enthusiasts can take advantage of the smoker’s functionality to create a variety of automated cooking systems in Minecraft. For example, you can build an automated food processing farm by combining the smoker with pistons, observers, chests, and a redstone-powered item sorter. This setup can automatically funnel harvested crops like potatoes or meat from a farm into the smoker, where they are cooked and then stored in a chest for easy access.
Some players even integrate the smoker into more complex redstone machines, such as fully automated food production lines that handle everything from farming to cooking, ensuring a constant supply of cooked food with minimal player intervention. These constructions highlight the smoker’s versatility and how it can be seamlessly integrated into more advanced redstone mechanisms for efficient gameplay. As you probably know, adventuring through mineshafts and caves can be very dangerous, so having enough food in your inventory is crucial for your survival. Mobs may damage you, but good food can save you from even the most dire of circumstances.

Conclusion: The Minecraft Smoker as a Must-Have

The smoker is an invaluable tool in Minecraft, particularly for players who spend a lot of time gathering and cooking food. Its ability to cook food at twice the speed of a furnace makes it a game-changer, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your adventure. Whether you’re setting up your first base or expanding your operations, the smoker is a block you’ll want to have in your arsenal.
So, the next time you’re exploring the world of Minecraft on a dedicated server from G-Portal, don’t forget to craft a smoker. With its speed and efficiency, you’ll never go hungry again!

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