Genre: Open-World-Survival
Studio: Mojang
Publisher: Mojang
Rent a Minecraft Server
Rent a server
Genre: Open-World-Survival
Studio: Mojang
Publisher: Mojang
Rent a Minecraft Server

Minecraft Furnace

Found in any aspiring Minecraft player’s home, the Minecraft furnace is a fundamental block that every player will need to master. The Minecraft furnace lets you do basic smelting and has the added benefit of working with both ores and food. Thus, it serves as a versatile tool for smelting ores, cooking food and processing various materials. Understanding how to craft and use the furnace effectively can significantly enhance your gameplay experience. In this article, we will show how to get your hands on an MC furnace, what you can do with it and what the difference between a furnace and a blast furnace is.

Overview Minecraft Furnace:

  • crafted out of stones
  • allows smelting
  • can be specialized for food or ore
  • added benefit of versatility

How to Get a Furnace in Minecraft

Generally, you can either craft a Minecraft furnace or you can try to find one that has already spawned in the world. Using the Minecraft furnace recipe, you can craft an MC furnace by combining 8x blocks of any stone with each other. That means you need a total of 8 blocks of cobblestone, blackstone or cobbled deepslate:

Minecraft furnace recipe:

8x cobblestone, cobbled deepslate and/or blackstone (any combination) = 1x furnace

Recipe for Minecraft Furnace

As you can see, the blocks you need to craft a Minecraft furnace are all readily available, even in the early game. In particular, cobblestone is one of the most common types of block and can even be generated indefinitely by using a cobblestone generator. This makes the furnace one of the earliest and most accessible items in the game.

Finding a Minecraft Furnace

If you are lucky and find yourself in a plain, desert or savannah village, you do not have to craft your own MC furnace. These villages usually generate an MC furnace in the houses of weaponsmiths, allowing you to use them as well. There is also a small chance that you can find them in taiga and snowy tundra villages. If you travel for long enough, you also have a chance of finding a Minecraft furnace in an ancient city or a trail ruin, though these are areas you most likely find later in the game. As the Minecraft furnace gives you the most mileage in the early game, these late-game MC furnaces are simply nice to have instead of being viable options when you first start out.

How to Use a Furnace in Minecraft

You can use a Minecraft furnace by walking up to the block and right clicking. Once you do so, an inventory opens:

Interface of the Minecraft Furnace

To use the Minecraft furnace, you will need something you can smelt as well as Minecraft furnace fuel. Put the fuel in the lower window and the ore or food in the upper window. The list of possible fuels is very long, but the following categories are the most applicable:

These fuels keep the furnace lit for a set amount of time, even if there is nothing to smelt or cook. Therefore, you should keep enough ore/food in your inventory to use the full fuel without wasting it.

As for the Minecraft furnace ingredients, aka the food or ore, the list of possible blocks is even longer. However, you can generally smelt the following things:

Cooking food in a furnace generally increases the amount of hearts you receive from the food item and removes downsides from food such as the chicken, which has a 30% chance to apply the hunger status effect to you. Smelting raw metal creates ingots, which you can then use in other crafting projects. Additionally, there are certain blocks you can only smelt within the Minecraft furnace, including (but not limited to):

Those already well-versed in the ways of crafting will recognize that a high number of blocks you can produce can later be processed with a stonecutter. Using both a Minecraft furnace and a stonecutter is therefore recommended. Now, we will discuss the different kinds of smelting in more detail.

Smelting Ores

The primary use of a furnace is to smelt ores. By placing ores like iron or gold in the input slot and adding fuel to the fuel slot, you can transform raw materials into valuable ingots. This process is crucial for crafting tools, weapons and armor.

Examples for smelting ores include:

Cooking Food

In addition to smelting ores, the Minecraft furnace is indispensable for cooking food. You can place raw meat or fish in the input slot to cook them into more nutritious and beneficial forms, such as steak or cooked salmon. This is vital for maintaining health and surviving in the game.

Examples for cooking food include:

Generally, cooked food is more beneficial to your character, giving you more hunger points. If you are gifted with a good understanding of redstone circuitry, you can even make this entire process automatic. 

The Regular Minecraft Furnace vs. the Blast Furnace

Because the names of these 2 items are so similar, they are often confused for each other. However, there are some fundamental differences between the regular Minecraft furnace and the blast furnace.

While the regular furnace is versatile, the blast furnace specializes in smelting ores and metal items twice as fast. However, it cannot cook food. Additionally, the blast furnace is specialized for metal smelting, allowing you to smelt far more advanced metal types. The main difference, however, lies in the smelting speed. While the Minecraft furnace and the blast furnace require the same amount of fuel for smelting, the blast furnace can do it at twice the rate of the regular Minecraft furnace. As a drawback, you cannot smelt anything with the blast furnace other than metal. However, you should not simply write off the blast furnace as a slightly faster version of the furnace. It does double duty as a job site block for the armorer. 

To obtain a blast furnace, you need a furnace as crafting material:

1x furnace + 5x iron ingot + 3x smooth stone = 1x blast furnace

This villager – working hard on the blast furnace – sells you armor pieces, just as the name suggests, and lets you skip the arduous smithing process in exchange for emeralds.

The Smoker – MC Furnace Specialized

Just as the blast furnace is a variation of the Minecraft furnace specialized for smelting ore, the smoker focuses on cooking food. Following this idea, just like the blast furnace does for smelting ore, the smoker cooks food at double the speed of the Minecraft furnace. However, it requires double the amount of fuel to cook, so it acts as a cooking version of the blast furnace. You also need a furnace to craft a smoker:

1x furnace + 4x wood blocks = 1x smoker

And just like the blast furnace, the smoker allows villagers to get a job, in this case as a butcher. 

Conclusion: Minecraft Furnace

The Minecraft furnace is a cornerstone of the game, enabling players to process materials, smelt ores and cook food. By understanding how to craft and utilize this essential block, you can efficiently manage resources and advance through the game. Whether you’re just starting or looking to optimize your operations, mastering the Minecraft furnace and its specialized counterpart, the blast furnace, is key to success in Minecraft. If you now have the understandable urge to start smelting, a Minecraft server from G-Portal is the ideal environment for new blacksmiths. Happy crafting!

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