7 Days To Die
Genre: Survival
Studio: The Fun Pimps
Publisher: The Fun Pimps
Rent a 7 Days To Die Server
Rent a server
Genre: Survival
Studio: The Fun Pimps
Publisher: The Fun Pimps
Rent a 7 Days To Die Server

7 Days To Die – Generate your own map

In 7 Days To Die you can generate your own map. We explain how this works here.

  1. Stop your server and navigate to the basic settings.
  2. Give your savegame a name under “Game Name” and set the gameworld to “RWG”.
  3. The setting WorldGenSeed determines the appearance of the map. If you have a predefined seed, you can enter it here. You can also just enter a random sequence of letters and see if you like the generated map.
  4. Now you can set the desired size in Worldgensize. We recommend that you do not set the map larger than 6144. Otherwise the generation will take a long time.
  5. Save your settings and start the server

Generating the map can take a longer time. You can follow the current status of the generation in the logs of your server.

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