Genre: Open-World-Survival
Studio: Mojang
Publisher: Mojang
Rent a Minecraft Server
Rent a server
Genre: Open-World-Survival
Studio: Mojang
Publisher: Mojang
Rent a Minecraft Server

Minecraft Effects

When playing Minecraft, it is more than natural to have a lot of questions about the exact nature of the game. And one of the most complex interactions you can find in the wide world are Minecraft effects. While the name sounds a bit vague, determining what is and isn’t an effect in Minecraft is actually very easy. In Minecraft, ‘effect’ describes conditions that affect entities in the world. However, the Minecraft effect list is quite long, so we will both show you what Minecraft effects are out there and put a spotlight on some of the most important ones.

Overview Minecraft Effekts:

  • acquired in a variety of ways
  • positive, negative or neutral
  • removed by drinking milk

What Are Minecraft Effects?

As you can imagine, describing what an effect is provides quite the challenge. In short, whenever you open your menu and see a small black box with a name and a timer, you know that you have one of the Minecraft effects on you. Broadly, Minecraft effects come in 3 categories: positive, neutral and negative. We will mark the effects accordingly in our list of all Minecraft effects below.

If you would take an Minecraft effect that you already have, the game goes through the following decision process:

  • Do you have that effect already?
    • No → You take the effect
    • Yes →


  • Is the effect you have of a higher level?
    • No → You take the new effect
    • Yes → You do not take the new effect

If they’re the same level:

  • Is the duration of your current Minecraft effect longer than the duration of the new one?
    • No → You take the new effect
    • Yes → You do not take the new effect

There is no limit as to how many different effects you can have on you at any time, but you cannot have any effect more than once at the same time, thus Minecraft effects do not stack. Additionally, you can remove most effects that are active on you by drinking a bucket of milk or, in the case of poison, eating honey. Minecraft effects come in a wide variety of ways, but before we begin, we should take a look at how you can get a Minecraft effect in the first place.

How to Get Effects in Minecraft

As we mentioned several times already, there are a lot of different Minecraft effects and the ways to get them are also varied. Broadly, effects can be gained in 2 ways: 

The latter often occurs during boss battles. For example, when fighting the wither boss, it automatically inflicts the darkness effect on all players around it. Another source for all kinds of Minecraft effects is the suspicious stew item, which inflicts different effects to any player that consumes it depending on the exact ingredients that were used for its creation.

All Effects in Minecraft

NameEffectCategoryHow to get
absorptiongives temporary healthpositivegolden apple, enchanted golden apple, totem of undying
bad luckdecreases chances for better loot & increases the number of lootnegativecommand: /effect
bad omenallows raids and trials chambers to triggerneutraldrinking an ominous bottle
blindnessobscures the view; prevents sprinting & critical hitsnegativeillusioner, suspicious stew (if made with azure bluet)
conduit powerlets you see underwater; speeds up mining underwater; prevents drowningpositivebeing near a conduit
darknessobscures the player’s visionnegativesculk shrieker, warden attack
dolphin’s graceincreases swimming speedpositiveswimming besides dolphins
fatal poisoninflicts damage over time and can killnegativecan only affect parrots by giving them a cookie
fire resistancereduces fire and lava damage to 0positivepotions of fire resistance, arrows of fire resistance, beacon, totem of undying, suspicious stew (if made with allium)
glowingallows others to see the entity through wallsneutralspectral arrow, bell
hastespeeds up melee attacks (includes mining for the player)positivebeacon
health boostraises maximum healthpositiveunused status effect
hero of the villagereduces costs for buying items; lets villagers throw gifts at the playerpositivekilling all Pillagers in a raid
hungerraises food exhaustionnegativeeating pufferfish, rotten flesh (80% chance) or raw chicken (30% chance)
infestedadds a 10% chance to spawn 1-3 silverfish when the entity takes damagenegativepotions of infestation, arrows of infestation
instant damagedamages living mobs; heals undeadnegativepotions of harming, arrows of harming
instant Healthheals living mobs; damages undeadpositivepotions of healing, arrows of healing
invisibilitygrants invisibility
potions of invisibility, arrows of invisibility
jump boostincreases jump height; reduces fall damagepositivepotions of leaping, arrows of leaping, beacon, suspicious stew (if made with cornflower)
levitationlets the entity float upwardnegativeshulker attack
luckincreases chances for better loot & increases the number of lootpositivepotions of luck, arrows of luck
mining Fatigueslows melee attacks (includes mining for the player)negativeelder guardian attack
nauseaobscures the view for the player by wobbling the imagenegativevillagers and piglins when zombified; players when they eat pufferfish 
night visionlets the player see in darknesspositivepotions of night vision, arrows of night vision, suspicious stew (if made with poppy or torchflower)
oozingcreates 2 slimes when the entity diesnegativepotions of oozing, arrows of oozing
poisoninflicts damage over time but does not kill (does not affect the undead)negativepotions of poison, arrows of poison, suspicious stew (if made with lily of the valley), pufferfish, poisonous potato (60% chance), spider eye
raid omentriggers raidsneutralbeing close to a chunk with a villager and a bed, job site, or bell while having the bad omen effect
regenerationheals the entity over timepositivepotions of regeneration, arrows of regeneration, beacon, suspicious stew (if made with oxeye daisy), golden apple, enchanted golden apple, totem of undying
resistancereduces damagepositivepotions of the turtle master, arrows of the turtle master, beacon, enchanted golden apple
saturationfills the hunger- and saturation-meterspositivesuspicious stew (if made with blue orchid or dandelion)
slow fallingslows falls; reduces fall damage to 0positivepotions of slow falling, arrows of slow falling
slownessdecreases walking speednegativepotions of slowness/ turtle master, arrows of slowness/ turtle master, strays, bogged, bane of arthropods enchantment
speedincreases walking speedpositivepotions of swiftness, arrows of swiftness, beacon
strengthincreases melee damagepositivepotions of strength, arrows of strength, beacon
trial omenchanges trial spawners into ominous spawnersneutralbeing close to a trial spawner while having the bad omen effect
water breathingallows breathing underwater & prevents drowningpositivepotions of water breathing, arrows of water breathing, turtle shell
weaknessdecreases melee damagenegativepotions of weakness, arrows of weakness, suspicious stew (if made with tulip)
weavingcreates a cobweb when the entity diesnegativepotions of weaving, arrows of weaving
wind chargedcreates a burst of wind when the entity diesnegativepotions of wind charging, arrows of wind charging
witherinflicts damage over time and can kill (including undead)negativepotions of decay, arrows of decay, suspicious stew (if made with wither rose), wither & wither skeleton attack, wither rose

Some Interesting Facts about Certain Minecraft Effects

While all of the Minecraft effects we have listed above are interesting in their own way, there are some we would like to explore further.

Minecraft Saturation

While all food raises your saturation, only the suspicious stew made with blue orchid can grant you the Minecraft saturation effect. Nevertheless, you should always keep some food in your inventory, just in case.

Minecraft Mining Fatigue

Since the only way to gain the mining fatigue Minecraft effect is by being attacked by the elder guardian, you need to watch out for when the mob does so. Mining fatigue is one of the most dangerous effects in Minecraft, as you will be helpless to fight the elder guardian effectively while affected.

Minecraft Nausea

While Minecraft nausea is an annoying effect in and of itself, you as the player are mostly immune to it. Rather, you can use the Minecraft nausea effect to your advantage by waiting for piglins or hoglins to become zombified. They will spawn with this effect on them, giving you ample time to get a few attacks in before they can orient themselves. 

Conclusion: Minecraft Effects

Understanding and managing these status effects is crucial for thriving in Minecraft. Each effect has its unique benefits and drawbacks, and knowing when and how to use them can be the difference between life and death, success and failure in the game. Whether you’re brewing potions, preparing for a raid, or exploring new dimensions, mastering status effects will significantly enhance your Minecraft experience. If you want to collect as many Minecraft effects at once to get all of the connected achievements, you can do so (relatively) safely on a Minecraft server from G-Portal. Here, you can try how it feels to have everything happening to you all at once, though we would not necessarily recommend it.

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