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Genre: Open-World-Survival
Studio: Mojang
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Minecraft Enchantments

Do you want to take the next step in Minecraft and learn about the arcane side of Minecraft? Here you will learn about the basics of enchanting and the most important tips when dealing with magic in the world of blocks.

Overview Minecraft Enchantments:

  • items: be enchanted or dropped as enchanted
  • gear: using an enchanting table, a spellbook or a librarian
  • can provide game changing benefits 
  • currently 44 enchantments in Minecraft

Why Use Minecraft Enchantments?

Minecraft enchantments are largely only applicable to three types of gear: weapons, armor and tools. Some smaller items can also be enchanted. All enchantments cause the gear to have a purple-blue shimmering color gradient.

Minecraft enchantment effects have a large variety, from reducing the loss of durability your gear takes to increasing the amount of materials you can gather. Not all enchantments can be placed on every piece of equipment, however. For example, not all crossbow enchantments can be put on a tool and not all fishing rod enchantments can be put on armor.

How can You Enchant Gear?

There are 4 possibilities if you want to hold, for example, a Minecraft enchanted sword in your hand:

  • you can find enchanted gear while trading, fishing or killing mobs
  • a librarian can enchant books in exchange for emeralds
  • an anvil can be used to enchant gear
  • players can use enchantment tables to enchant gear for themselves

For a higher chance at finding enchanted Minecratf items, you can try to survive a raid, as the illagers often drop enchanted weapons.

Minecraft Enchantment Levels

Before we dive into the process of enchanting something, you should know about Minecraft enchantment levels. Each enchantment has a level, with the highest level being V (5 in roman numerals.). However, not every enchantment has these 5 levels, some only have 1, while others can have a maximum level of 3 or 4. Generally, higher levels mean higher effectiveness. For some armor enchantments, Minecraft allows you to raise their level so high that you will experience a lower loss of durability points when you are hit. 

Enchanting Weapons, Tools & More

If you don’t have an enchantment table yet, you can also use some of the other methods listed above. When it comes to the anvil, however, you have to keep some things in mind. You can use a  spellbook or an enchanted item at an anvil to enchant items. Simply combine the enchanted book or weapon with the normal weapon and you have a newly repaired and enchanted weapon. If you want to combine 2 weapons, they must be of the same type.  If you want to remove an enchantment from your gear, a grindstone removes them from all kinds of items.

What Enchantments Are There in Minecraft?

There are currently 44 enchantments available in the game, although one of these Minecraft enchantments is currently locked behind an April fool’s joke. The following list of all enchantments in Minecraft is sorted by equipment:

all armor, tools, weaponsmending, unbreaking, curse of vanishing
armoraqua affinity, blast protection, curse of binding, depth strider, feather falling, fire protection, frost walker, projectile protection, protection, respiration, soul speed, swift sneak, thorns  
melee weaponsbane of arthropods, breach, density, efficiency, fire aspect, impaling, knockback, looting, sharpness, smite, sweeping edge, wind burst  
ranged weaponschanneling, flame, impaling, infinity, loyalty, multishot, piercing, power, punch, quick charge, riptide  
toolsefficiency, fortune, luck of the sea, lure, potatofication (april fools joke from the 24w14potato snapshot), silk touch  

While these are a lot of enchantments, we really don’t have the time to explain all of them in detail. Nethertheless, we will now present you with five selected enchantments – which isn’t to say that they are necessarily the best Minecraft enchantments. After all, the other 39 are also very exciting!

Minecraft Enchantment Power

One of the most popular enchantments. It increases the damage to mobs when they are hit by an arrow. The enchantment is only available for the bow. Power is available in five levels and is correspondingly strong. It also differentiates how much the bow is strung (unstrung, half strung, full strung and crit).

This is how the level influences the effects of power. The numbers are taken from a fully strung bow:

Level ILevel IILevel IIILevel IVLevel V
+50% damage+75% damage+100% damage+125% damage+150% damage

Naturally, the stronger your bow the more advantage you gain from this enchantment. If you’re a crack shot and like to pelt monsters and mobs with a powerful arrow, power is your tool of choice!

H3 Minecraft Enchantment SmiteWant to be a paladin that smites the undead horde? No problem, with the smite enchantment! Just put it on any weapon and increase the damage to skeletons, phantoms and zombies. But how useful is it? Keep in mind that we will show you damage values, each of which corresponds to half as many hearts. For example, if the table shows 6 damage, that means it removes 3 full hearts of health from a mob. Also, these values show the total damage you do with each swing. Smite adds 2.5 damage (1.25 hearts) to each hit per level. The following table shows how a simple iron sword with base damage 6 (3 hearts) can become a deadly weapon when going against an undead army:

Level ILevel IILevel III Level IVLevel V
8.5 damage
(4.25 hearts)
11 damage 
(5.5 hearts)
13.5 damage
(6.75 hearts)
16 damage
(8 hearts)
18.5 damage
(9.25 hearts)

Minecraft Enchantment Fire Protection

Especially for players who like to stay in the Nether (or at least long in lava areas) this enchantment is the absolute minimum. It gives you additional fire damage protection and is available in 4 levels (I-IV). Here is the damage reduction table:

Level ILevel IILevel IIILevel IV 

The best thing about fire protection: The damage reduction stacks if you wear multiple pieces of armor enchanted with it. This way, it is possible to reach a fire protection of up to 80%! However, if you reach more than 80% fire damage resistance, the game stops applying it. This is done so that you still have to watch out for those blazes and use striders to cross lava lakes. So, if you already have that much fire resistance through enchantments or potions, maybe consider gaining other helpful Minecraft enchantments so that you are ready for everything.

Minecraft Enchantment Mending

Whenever you use your tools too much, you have to repair them after a while. But what if you could ignore that and simply repair them on the go? Look no further than mending, one of the most useful quality of life enchantments in the game. This little enchantment uses XP you gain to automatically repair your tools. Fancy, isn’t it?

Minecraft Enchantment Fortune

Another very popular enchantment is that of fortune. It increases the number of resources when mining ores or plants. The fortune enchantment can be used to find more precious ores as well other materials. Precious ores include redstone, diamonds, lapis lazuli, emeralds and nether quartz. Other materials include glowstone, carrots, sea lanterns, melons, nether warts, potatoes and wheat grains.

There are three levels of fortune (I-III). We show you an example of the precious ores:

Level ILevel IILevel III 
33% chance of mining double amount25% chance of double amount, 25% chance of triple the amount20% chance of double amount, 20% chance of triple amount, 20% chance of mining the quadruple amount

Fun Fact: In addition, a slightly higher chance of finding apples and saplings in leaves on trees is achieved. A higher wool yield is also achieved if it is used on shears.

Conclusion: Minecraft Enchantment

Enchantments can make the game a lot easier, whether by granting you better attack power, more stamina or more resources. You can have a lot of fun and make your life very easy, especially when it comes to the time-consuming material removal. The only problem: the materials, as well as the effort for an enchantment table and the corresponding levels (as well as character levels) are not exactly easy to come by.

To become an enchanter in Minecraft, you first have to go through some elaborate non-magical processes. But then you can get started: spellbooks and the enchantment table await you on a Minecraft server from G-Portal, as well as all the experiences and new adventures you go through after your first enchantments. Have fun, master magician!

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