Genre: Open-World-Survival
Studio: Mojang
Publisher: Mojang
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Genre: Open-World-Survival
Studio: Mojang
Publisher: Mojang
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Minecraft Anvil

Crafting, Functions and Features of Minecraft Anvil

The Minecraft anvil is a versatile utility block that allows players to repair tools, weapons and armor, combine enchantments and rename items. It is crucial for maintaining and enhancing equipment throughout a player’s adventures. While powerful, an MC anvil has limited durability and requires experience levels for its functions, adding a strategic layer to item management and customization in the game.

Overview Minecraft Anvil:

  • craft: iron ingots & iron blocks
  • lasts an average of 25 uses
  • used to repair, enchant & rename items

How to Make an Anvil in Minecraft

To craft a Minecraft anvil, you need iron ingots and iron blocks. Go to a crafting table and just follow the anvil recipe:

  • 4x iron ingots + 3x iron blocks = 1x anvil

Iron ingots are made from iron ore and coal in a furnace, while iron blocks can be crafted from 9x iron ingots each. So, for the anvil recipe, you need a total of 31 iron ingots. But how do you craft an anvil in Minecraft? Place the three iron blocks in the top row, three iron bars in the bottom row, and one iron bar in the middle of the crafting grid. Compared to other recipes, the anvil recipe is quite easy to remember. You also only need one ingredient (iron), although in two different forms.


If you are lucky, you can find a Minecraft anvil in the woodland mansion and don’t have to craft it yourself.

Functions & Features of the Minecraft Anvil

The Minecraft anvil is used to:

Each time you use the MC anvil, experience points are consumed. The range of uses makes the MC anvil a useful block that no crafting workshop should be without. You can use it to keep your tools in good shape, combine enchantments on your favorite weapon or keep order in your inventory by renaming your items instead of working on a way to sort all your chests.

Minecraft anvil interface

How to Use an Anvil in Minecraft

You can interact with the MC anvil by right-clicking on it. Now you will see a text field and beneath it, there are 3 slots separated by a plus sign and an arrow. You can place items in the first two fields and, depending on the action, the anvil will show you the corresponding cost. Different combinations lead to different actions.

Repairing with the Minecraft Anvil

Repairing means boosting a tool or weapon’s durability. There are two ways in which you can repair an item with the MC anvil:

  • with its manufacturing material
  • by combining two of a kind

To repair an item with its manufacturing material, place it (e.g. an iron sword) in the first field and the material (e.g. an iron ingot) in the second field. For each unit of material, 25% of durability is restored and one experience point is consumed. The cost of repair increases if you repair an item multiple times or perform other actions on the anvil with it. If you use multiple units of the material at the same time, the cost will be the same as when you repeat the process multiple times with only one unit of the material. You should also consider whether repairing with the corresponding material is worth it, depending on the rarity of the material.

The second option is that you use the MC anvil to combine an item with another copy of itself to repair it. This combines the item’s durabilities into one and adds another 12% (though you can’t exceed the maximum durability). This Minecraft anvil process also combines existing enchantments, if possible. Compatible enchantments are then applied to an item, identical enchantments are improved.

Renaming with the MC Anvil

To rename an item, place it in the first slot in the MC anvil and edit the text field above. Renaming costs one experience point in addition to the cost from previous repairs and renaming. You can rename several items. Some examples are:

In general, you can rename nearly every item with the Minecraft anvil. Renaming can help you keep order in your inventory and find important items quickly.


Sometimes you have to be careful when renaming items. While released fish will be named after the bucket of fish, blocks that have been renamed with an MC anvil will only be stackable with items of the same name. So there are fun sides to it but also things to keep in mind.

Minecraft Anvil: Enchanting

Simply put: you can enchant items at the MC anvil by placing them together with an enchanted book. This, however, has a bit more to it in detail. Here are the main things to keep in mind:

  • left slot: the item to be enchanted
  • middle slot: the item to be lost after the process
  • right slot: the gained item afterwards

If you know about these positions, the following rules of the MC anvil will be easier to understand:

  • when both items (e.g. 2 wooden swords) have an enchantment of the same level, this is increased by 1
  • if the middle item has the enchantment at a lower level, nothing changes
  • if it is higher, it will be transferred onto the other item
  • new enchantments will be transferred with their levels if the left item doesn’t have them already 
  • not all enchantments are compatible: the arrow will be crossed out and the process is impossible

In addition, with the MC anvil you can combine two enchanted books if they contain the same spell, thus improving it. To get the maximum benefit from your enchantments, you should use both the enchantment table and anvil.


If you really want to combine two items but the spells aren’t compatible, you can try removing one of them by using a grindstone.

The Special Properties of the MC Anvil

In real life, an anvil lasts an eternity. In Minecraft, unfortunately, it only lasts an average of 25 uses. You can estimate the progression of wear, however, by looking at the anvil’s appearance, which goes through 3 stages before the MC anvil is finally destroyed. These 3 stages are:

  • normal
  • chipped
  • damaged

After damaged comes a destroyed MC anvil. It is important to say that 25 uses are the average, since you can’t really calculate after how many uses the stage changes. Each use has a 12% chance of changing the stage. By breaking the Minecraft anvil to change its location, it doesn’t take any damage.

The MC anvil also reacts to gravity and can thus be made to fall if you destroy the ground beneath it. Upon impact, it can also cause considerable damage, making it suitable for building traps. Still, consider the MC anvil can’t be pushed by pistons

Conclusion: Minecraft Anvil

The Minecraft anvil is an indispensable tool in the game, providing players with the ability to repair and enhance their gear, combine enchantments and personalize items through renaming. Its strategic use of experience levels and limited durability adds depth to the gameplay and encourages careful management of resources. Whether maintaining well-loved tools or crafting powerful enchanted weapons, the anvil remains a cornerstone of a player’s toolkit, essential for long-term survival and success in the game. If you want to test it yourself, jump on a Minecraft server from G-Portal. Or, you could gather some friends for multiplayer and try your luck on whose anvil lasts the longest.

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