Genre: Survival
Studio: CampFire Studio
Publisher: Qooland Games
Rent a Soulmask Server
Rent a server
Genre: Survival
Studio: CampFire Studio
Publisher: Qooland Games
Rent a Soulmask Server

How do I upload a local savegame to my Soulmask server?

If you have already played Soulmask locally on your PC and would like to continue playing this game on your new GPORTAL server, you can transfer it to your server as follows. We provide you with step-by-step instructions.

  • Press the Windows key + R on your keyboard and enter the following line in the search field
  • You will now see some folders, navigate to the folder that contains your Steam ID (e.g.: 76561198106341655)
  • Navigate to 2646460\AutoGames\ and then select the folder with the same invitation code as the world you want to transfer
  • Copy the world.db and the last GameXishu.json file
    Note: If your file is called GameXishu_2.json, rename it to GameXishu.json
  • Stop your Soulmask server
  • Connect to your server via FTP tool (we recommend Filezilla as FTP tool)
    -> Wiki: What is a FTP Tool?
  • Navigate to /WS/Saved/GameplaySettings/ and replace the existing GameXishu.json file
  • Then navigate to /WS/Saved/Worlds/Dedicated/Level01_Main/ and replace the existing world.db file
  • Now restart your Soulmask server

If everything went well, you should now be able to continue playing your local savegame on your server. We wish you lots of fun!

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